Membership to the Elmont Chamber of Commerce provides you with so many benefits. Here are a few of those benefits:
Networking Opportunities
Numerous networking meetings, after hours events, and formal social events where you can increase your business exposure and visibility to the Elmont community.
Meet the key players in Elmont to increase your market share and outreach in the community while also gaining credible referrals from new business contacts.
The Elmont Chamber of Commerce advocates on behalf of the business community as a whole before Town and County government and the Nassau County Council of Chambers.
The Elmont Chamber of Commerce may advocate on behalf of individual members before Town and County government.
Traffic & Parking Commission
Zoning Board of Appeals
Town, County and State Elected Officials
Nassau County Planning Commission
Elmont Chamber of Commerce Sponsored Events
Elmont/Belmont Parade
Hemsptead Turnpike comes alive with a huge parade featuring numerous organizations and institutions marching on the Saturday before the Belmont Stakes. Parade ends at the Alva T. Stanforth Sports Complex where Family Field Day and an Arts & Crafts Fair take place.
The Paul J. Muscarella Holiday Lighting Ceremony
The Paul Muscarella Tree Lighting Ceremony takes place at Veteran's Square at the corner of Hempstead Turnpike and Covert Avenue. Features musical entertainment including the Elmont School District, Tip Tap Toe Dance Studio and a visit from Santa Claus.
Elmont Job Fair
2,000 job seekers attend our Elmont Job Fair. Provides Chamber members the opportunity to hire local talent from our own community.
Elmont Film Festival
Held in conjunction with the Elmont East End Civic and the Long Island International Film Expo, the Elmont Film Festival takes place at the Elmont Memorial Library Theater where the "best of the fest" independent and short films are showed on the big screen. The Elmont Film Festival takes place the week leading up to the Belmont Stakes.
Belmont Stakes Blue Ribbon 5K Run for Prostate Cancer
Over 1,000 participants run a 5K run finishing on the dirt track of Belmont Park. After party where a "Taste of Elmont" takes place hosted by Elmont Chamber businesses.
Elmont Farmer's Market
A weekly event at the Alva T. Stanforth Sports Complex where regional producers bring the freshest fruits, vegetables and produce to the Elmont community. The Elmont Farmer's Market takes place Thursdays between the hours of 10am and 6pm.
Invest in Elmont $5,000 Scholarship
An entrepreneur program where students are asked to create business ideas and write business plans on how they would "Invest in Elmont". The business plans are evaluated with the the winning team receiving a $5,000 scholarship.
Pole Banners
Promote your business by advertising on banners located throughout Hempstead Turnpike.
Provides a wide array of information regarding the Elmont Chamber of Commerce, Community Events and Chamber Events.
Regular posts are made promoting different events and updating all of our friends and followers.
To join the Elmont Chamber of Commerce, click here.